I know, I know. It's been a quick (or long) minute since you've heard from me. Life has been so busy that I barely remember to eat and sleep. What's kept me so busy, you ask? Well...a lot. First I had to finish writing a little book called Without Bound, Magnolia Creek Book Four. It was an emtional end for me because I was not ready to let go of the Mag Creek crew, and I know many of your weren't either. But with each end comes a new beginning. That's where my hockey era came into play. Yup. It's here. Big Pucking Deal hit shelves and now I want to write a ton more. But I'm going to keep it cool and stick to my two novellas I've promised y'all because I have many more stories to share.
Some of those stories may be blamed on Cami and Gabby as they seem to talk me into any and everything that pops into my mind. I tell myself that I'm going to limit myself for 2025 but the next thing I know, my gals are convincing me that I must write x, y and z. So who knows how many stories you'll get next year.
So aside from writingh, South Texas got hit with this little thing called Hurrican Beryl. The hurrican left many without power for over a week, and damage like we haven't seen in years. My family was incredibly lucky to not sustaing any damage to our home. The power surges we experienced fried a TV and the pump to our pool. But in comparison to many others, it was nothing. And now we're back to waiting for the next big storm to roll in.
So that takes me through July. August is the start of another busy month. My wonderful writing partner, J. Hutchison, and I have our debut release as the writing duo Aubrey Ryan. Doubling the Odds merges our two universes together in one sexy and steamy romance about waking up in Vegas. The story features Dani from Through the Fire in her very own, topsy turvy love story.
September brings my first signing in Arizona and I am so dang excited. I can't wait to meet readers and authors and share some laughs. Lets just hope people stop at my table. Otherwise, I'll be shipping back a boat load of books.
Oh, and in case you missed it, I announced my new series, DARE Bros. Keep and eye on my IG for all the updates.
So basicallly, the gist of the story is that I'm tired, my fingers hurt from writing too much, my eyes are slowly failing me, and those pesky gray hairs seem to be popping up with eveery stressful day. But as Gabby would say, it's okay. I'm fine. It's okay.
Also, what the heck is wrong with my dog? Does anyone else have a doodle that sits like a human? Weird, right?